The mystery of a newborn sleeping soundly for 6 to 7 hours without waking for a feed can be both a relief and a source of parental curiosity.
In this article, let’s talk about the reasons behind this, addressing the common question of whether it’s normal and when it might be a cause for concern.
Understanding your newborn’s sleep patterns and feeding requirements is key to navigating the early days of parenting with confidence.
Typical newborn sleep pattern:
Newborns sleep a lot—around 16 to 17 hours every day. However, they don’t sleep for a long time in one stretch.
Typically, they take short naps and wake up every few hours (typically 1 to 3 hours). This waking up is often for feeding, changing diapers, or just wanting some comfort.
Typical newborn feeding schedule:
Newborn feeding schedules can vary, but generally, newborns eat frequently—around 8 to 12 times a day.
In the early weeks, this means feeding every 2 to 3 hours, day and night. It’s important to feed on demand, meaning whenever the baby seems hungry. Newborns have tiny stomachs, so they need small, frequent meals.
How much milk newborn need?
As a general guideline, babies may consume approximately 2.5 ounces (75 milliliters) of milk for each pound (0.45 kilograms) of body weight in 24 hours.
Tiny babies need to eat a little bit often because their tummies are small. In the beginning, they might drink about 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters) of milk each time.
As they get bigger, they’ll start drinking more, usually around 2 to 3 ounces (60 to 90 milliliters) per feeding by the end of the first week.
Remember, these are just general ideas, and it’s okay if your baby needs a bit more or less.

Is it normal for a newborn to sleep 6 to 7 hours without feeding?
It’s okay if your newborn sleeps for 6 to 7 hours without eating once in a while.
Just like adults, babies have different sleep times. If it happens a lot, though, it’s a good idea to wake them up for feeding every 3-4 hours.
There can be a few reasons why they’re sleeping a lot. It might be a growth spurt, but we want to make sure they’re getting enough food to grow healthy.
If you’re worried or if this keeps happening, it’s best to check with your baby’s doctor for advice tailored to your little one.
Following are a few different reasons why a newborn may sleep a lot without waking up for food.
1- Formula fed baby:
If your baby drinks formula instead of breastfeeding, they might sleep more between meals.
That’s because formula is thicker than breast milk, and it can keep them feeling full for a longer time. So, if your baby who drinks formula takes longer naps between eating, it’s probably because the formula keeps them satisfied for a bit longer.
Just remember, all babies are different, and it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor if you have questions or worries about how your baby eats and sleeps.
2- Growth spurt:
Sometimes, babies go through what we call a “growth spurt,” and during this time, they might sleep more than usual. Growth spurts often happen around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months of age.
Right before or during a growth spurt, my baby might take longer naps or sleep for more extended periods. It’s like their bodies are working extra hard to grow, so they need more rest.
As per the happiestbaby, “Some of the biggest telltales that your baby is going through a growth spurt are changes in their appetite, fussiness, and sleep patterns.”
3- The baby had a great massage and warm bath:
A gentle massage and warm bath for a baby can promote relaxation and contribute to a longer and more restful sleep. The soothing effects of the massage and warmth help calm the baby’s body and create a sense of comfort. This relaxation not only aids in falling asleep but may also contribute to a more extended sleep duration.
My girl used to sleep A LOTTT after a massage and a bath. I used to try to wake her up for feedings but she won’t. She was soo rested at that time.
4- Making up for previous sleep deficiency:
If a baby experiences overstimulation or disruptions to their sleep on a particular day, they might compensate by sleeping more afterward.
5- It just happened:
If your baby sleeps for long hours once in a while, it may have just happened. There should be nothing to worry about. However, as I said earlier, if it continues to happen then you should seek medical advice.
Should you wake up your newborn for feeding?
During the first 1 to 2 weeks of your newborn’s life, it’s generally a good idea to wake them up every 3 to 4 hours for feeding if they don’t wake up on their own. Newborns have small tummies and need frequent feedings for healthy growth.
After this initial period, you can start to let them sleep, and they’ll likely wake up on their own when they’re hungry. This is usually okay, as long as your baby is gaining weight well and doesn’t have any medical conditions or underlying problems that require a different feeding schedule.
Always follow the advice of your healthcare provider, and if you have any concerns about your baby’s feeding habits or growth, consult with your pediatrician for personalized guidance.

How to assess that the baby is fine?
You can feel confident letting your newborn sleep for longer hours if:
- Weight Gain: If your baby has regained their birth weight by around 2 weeks old, it’s a positive sign that they are getting enough nourishment.
- Milestones: Your baby is reaching developmental milestones at an average pace for their age, indicating normal growth and progress.
- Hunger Signals: When they wake up, your baby shows signs of hunger and feeds well. After feeding, they appear content and comfortable.
- Diapers: They have around 6 wet diapers in a 24-hour cycle, demonstrating proper hydration.
- Milk Intake: Your baby is drinking an appropriate amount of milk based on their weight. As a general guideline, babies might consume about 2.5 ounces of milk per pound of body weight in 24 hours.
Always keep in mind that these are general indicators, and individual babies may have unique needs. Regular check-ups with your pediatrician are essential to ensure your baby’s health and well-being. If you ever have concerns, consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.
When do babies start to sleep for 8 hours without feeding?
Babies start sleeping for longer when they’re around 3 to 6 months old. Some may sleep for about 8 hours without needing to eat during the night.
Around 3 months, some babies begin to sleep more at night, and by 6 months, many can sleep through the night for about 6 to 8 hours.
But, remember, every baby is different. Some might start sleeping longer earlier, and others might take a bit more time. Just pay attention to your baby’s signals, and if you have any worries, it’s always good to talk to your doctor. They can give you advice based on your baby’s unique needs.
To sum it up, if your newborn is sleeping for 6 to 7 hours without feeding, it’s usually okay. Sometimes babies just do that. But, if it happens all the time, it’s good to pay attention. Understanding why they might be sleeping longer, like if they’re going through a growth spurt or just getting more efficient at feeding, can help you feel more confident as a parent.
Keep an eye on your baby’s weight, check if they’re hitting their developmental milestones, and watch for signs that they’re hungry and comfortable after eating. Every baby is different, and what’s normal can vary. If you ever feel unsure, talking to your doctor can provide helpful guidance for your baby’s unique needs.
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