newborn sleeping in the crib right away

Welcome to the world of parenting, where every decision feels big – especially when it comes to your newborn’s sleep. One common question I often hear from new parents is: “Can my newborn sleep in a crib right away?” 

It’s a great question, considering how much we value safe and sound sleep for our little ones. 

In this article, we’re going to explore whether cribs are suitable for newborns from day one. We’ll look at the safety aspects, the benefits, and some of the concerns you might have. 

As a mom who’s been there, I understand the mix of excitement and worry that comes with these choices. 

So, let’s get started on this journey to find out if a crib is the right choice for your newborn’s first sleepy adventures.

What Experts Say About Newborn’s Sleep Safety and Cribs.

Let’s first look at what experts say about a newborn’s sleep safety in the crib. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death syndrome, parents should follow the following guidelines.

  • Lay infants on their backs to sleep in their personal sleep area without anyone else present.
  • Opt for a crib, bassinet, or portable play yard that comes with a solid, even mattress and a snugly fitting sheet.
  • Steer clear of allowing sleep on couches, armchairs, or in seating devices such as swings or car seats (except when traveling in a vehicle).
  • Ensure the sleeping area is free from loose blankets, pillows, plush toys, bumpers, and other soft objects.

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to share a room with their baby – but not the same bed – ideally for the first six months at a minimum. (Source)

Dr. Moon, professor of pediatrics at the University of Virginia School of Medicine said, “A baby’s death is tragic, heartbreaking and often preventable. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that simple is best: babies should always sleep in a crib or bassinet, on their back, without soft toys, pillows, blankets or other bedding”

a newborn baby sleeping in the crib

Can a newborn sleep in a crib right away?

Based on expert advice, it is absolutely safe for a newborn to sleep in a crib right away. 

To ensure this safety, it’s important that the crib is in the same room as the parents. 

Additionally, the crib should have a firm mattress and be free of any extra items such as toys, pillows, or blankets. 

This setup helps create a secure and suitable environment for the newborn’s sleep.

Pros and cons of putting a newborn to sleep in the crib right away

As we consider the idea of having a newborn sleep in a crib from day one, it’s essential to weigh both sides of the decision. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons to help you make an informed choice for your little one’s sleep journey.


  • Money Saving: Starting with a crib avoids the extra expense of a bassinet, offering a long-term, cost-effective sleeping solution.
  • No Transition from Bassinet to Crib: Babies who begin in a crib don’t face the often challenging shift from a smaller sleeper to a crib as they grow.
  • Room Sharing Without Bed Sharing: A crib facilitates recommended room-sharing for safety while giving the baby their own independent space.
  • Familiarity with Crib: Using a crib from the start helps babies get used to it, easing the transition to a toddler bed later.
  • Customizable Comfort: Cribs allow adjustments in mattress height and firmness, adapting to the baby’s changing comfort needs over time.


  • Frequent Night Checks: Having your baby in a crib might mean getting up multiple times during the night to check on them or for feedings, which can be especially tiring for parents.
  • Space Requirements: Cribs are larger than bassinets or co-sleepers, necessitating a bigger room to accommodate them comfortably, which can be challenging in smaller living spaces

What is the best option for your newborn?

When considering the best sleeping option for your newborn, a versatile solution that grows with your baby from infancy to toddlerhood is ideal. The key features to look for are:

  • Multi-stage Use: A product that transitions from a newborn sleeper to a toddler bed.
  • Ease of Movement: It should be easily movable and attachable to the parents’ bed.
  • Space-Efficient: The design should be compact enough not to require a lot of space.

Given these criteria, the ELEMARA 3 in 1 Wide Baby Bassinet with Adjustable Side stands out as an excellent choice. 

This all-mesh bedside sleeper, complete with a mattress, sheet, storage pocket, wheels, trap, and even a travel bag, serves as a playpen and a travel crib bed for newborns.

The ELEMARA 3 in 1 Wide Baby Bassinet is an ideal choice for cost-effective, adaptable newborn sleeping arrangements. 

It transitions from a bassinet to a crib and playpen, reducing the need for multiple items. 

With its adjustable side, it attaches easily to your bed for convenient nighttime care, and its wheels allow for easy mobility. 

Designed for safety, it meets strict sleep guidelines and is compact, making it perfect for smaller spaces.

Next good option:

Another good option for you is the crib with wheels. This can be a good option if you have a big bedroom. You can move the crib near your bed at night.

A good choice is Dream On Me Portable crib.

If you want to use the standard crib for your newborn then the best option can be a  nest bassinet for the first few months before your baby is ready to sleep alone or ready to sleep through the night (so you don’t have to stand up and walk several times at night) 

newborn baby sleeping in the crib

Preparing the Crib for a Newborn

Preparing a crib for a newborn is an important step to ensure their safety and comfort. Here’s a quick guide to get your crib ready:

  • Choose a Safe Crib: Ensure the crib meets current safety standards. It should be sturdy with no loose or missing hardware.
  • Select a Firm Mattress: Use a firm mattress that fits snugly in the crib without gaps. This is crucial for safety to prevent any risk of suffocation.
  • Fit a Tight Sheet: Use a fitted crib sheet that matches the size of the mattress. Avoid any loose or wrinkled sheets.
  • Keep it Bare: The crib should be free of pillows, stuffed animals, bumpers, and loose blankets. These items pose suffocation risks.
  • Optimal Placement: Position the crib away from windows, blinds, and curtain cords to avoid entanglement or choking hazards.

Creating the Ideal Sleep Environment

Creating a sleep-friendly environment for your newborn can be both a joy and a journey into understanding what works best for your little one. 

A quiet room with a consistent, cool temperature of 68-72°F sets the stage for comfortable sleep. 

The crib is a safe nest, equipped with a firm mattress, a well-fitting sheet, and free from loose bedding or toys, ensuring your baby’s safety and comfort.

Soft, dim lighting can help make those late-night visits less disruptive, while the soothing sounds of white noise or a gentle lullaby provide a calm and serene backdrop. 

This clutter-free and smoke-free space is not just a room; it’s a peaceful haven where your baby’s dreams take flight, supporting both their health and a good night’s sleep for the whole family.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Monitoring and adjusting your newborn’s sleep environment is a key part of ensuring they have the best possible rest. 

It’s about observing and responding to your baby’s needs and comfort. 

As you get to know your little one, you might notice certain preferences they have, like a particular type of white noise or a slight adjustment in room temperature. 

It’s also important to regularly check that their sleeping space remains safe and appropriate as they grow. 

This could mean adjusting the crib mattress height, removing additional items as they become more mobile, or changing sleepwear to suit the season. 

Regularly monitoring and tweaking these details can make a big difference in how well your baby sleeps. 

It’s a process of learning and adapting, ensuring that your newborn’s sleep environment evolves with them for optimal comfort and safety.

Read more

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10+ Mommy Tips To Get A Newborn To Sleep At Night (Untold Tips)

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In closing, whether a newborn can sleep in a crib right away is a common question for new parents. 

The answer is yes, with the right safety measures and a comfortable setup, a crib is a great choice from the start. 

It provides a safe, snug space for your little one to sleep soundly. 

Remember, every baby is unique, so it’s all about finding what works best for your newborn and your family.

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